Monday, July 28, 2008


I got to work on time today. I note this because I'm generally 10 minutes (or so) late. Anyway. "Veronica" stops by my desk to say hello. This is odd, because well, I don't remember her ever just stopping by for a chat. We're friendly enough. She doesn't realize that I often envision myself punching her in the face while she talks to me. She sort of hemms and hawws for a bit and then says...
**Side note Veronica is a NOTORIOUS office gossip, we are all aware of this.
"did you hear what happened?"
"no, what?"
"come on, I know you know,"
Shes also notorious for dangling gossip right in front of you and making you beg for it. I can't resist and go for it every time.
"I swear, I haven't heard a thing, I was out most of last week,"
"I don't know if I should tell you," she says.
"alright, then don't," I wasn't angry just not willing to beg for gossip this much.
"last week "Henry" sent me an e-mail and copyed it to personnel."
"he said hes tired of the way I treat him, that I'm always telling him how sexy he is, and how its making him uncomfortable."

So apparently Veronica (who has no sense when it comes to dealing with her co-workers) made some snide comment to Henry (who has a tendency to suddenly flip out over something you may have said to him a million times), Henry got pissed, Emailed her and Personnel, Veronica went to her supervisor whereupon Henry barged in chewed out Veronica, slammed the door and screamed through the closed door that she was a f-----g c--t.

I asked if either her or Henry were in trouble, and she said no, but demands that he be disciplined.

Did I mention that these individuals are over 40?

The first...

This is going to be an anonymous blog documenting the drama that occurs on a regular basis at my place of employment. Since I don't want to get fired, identifying details (like names) will be changed. Other than that I pledge that whatever I post here will be the truth, as I heard it, either first hand or third party. I'm simply doing this so I can begin to SEE how much I hear.